Wednesday, April 23, 2008

3D Object Modeling Using Spatial and Pictographic Gestures

This paper presents the merger of graphics and haptics to create objects in the augmented reality setup. The authors have given a brief introduction of the superquadrics (super ellipsoid) and how they are used to create various shapes in the graphics. In the paper they have used the hand gestures to map to certain operations like tapering, twisting, bending etc which are mapped to the graphic object using various functional mappings. Using the Self organizing maps, the system allows the users to specify their own gestures for each operation. In the example, the creation of primitive shapes is the first step. The primitive shapes are then used to build up the complex shapes like the teapot and the vase.The system was also tested to see if the non existing objects can be created from hand and how precisely the real objects can be modeled.

The system consists of two cybergloves , aPolhemus tracker and a large 200 inches projection screen where the objects are projected. Using the special LCD shutter eye glasses, user can see the objects and manipulate with them using his hands and pre-specified gestures.


I am not sure how easy or difficult is it to manipulate with the objects in the augmented reality.I believe if there would have been some haptic feedback, it would have been more natural.However, I liked the paper because it was different and had very practical application. Such a system can also be used by multi-user design team to create designs in the virtual world by interacting with the object together.

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